Tag Archives: Russel

Waiting is…

‘Waiting Is…’ a coined phrase by an old friend. He taught me a lot about patience, although I still have a lot to learn.

Waiting for the fires to finally burn themselves out. The smoke fills the sky and it is hard to breathe today, as it was on Thursday. We (here in Garberville) did have less smoke on Friday and Saturday, but that just means some one else had it… it all depends on the wind flow.

Waiting for the phone to ring. Still waiting for the appointment for the chest clinic for Russel, who is hurting lots more and coughing more too. I am most concerned about the ‘pain’. It doesn’t hurt for him to do deep breathing (as in yoga breaths), but the pain pressure is always there and at times much stronger. He has been using Vicodin and that is not good as he is not one to use painkillers willy-nilly.

Stress is hurting me. And not being able to walk, (it’s too smokey to even go outside unless you have too), isn’t helping my body much. Waking up with more aches and pains than I went to bed with.

Our mortality is showing. It becomes apparent that one should embrace each day and each interaction with a friend or acquaintance as if it were the last time you may see them. It is sometimes hard to do, in our busy lives. But it is the most fulfilling way to be.

Russel was commenting on this yesterday as we ran into someone we don’t see often. He is feeling his mortality for sure, and that in a way, scares me because it shows me that he is too really worried and that it’s not just me being a worry-wart.

So, as TR used to tell me, ‘Waiting Is..’


and more no news

Where’s Patti?

My favorite read has left!!
Help… I miss you already.
Please come back or tell me where you went!

In my life there is still no news 🙁

We are being smoked to death by the Canoe Fires on the north coast of California.

I am not sleeping well.
But my hip pain is almost gone… good thing.

Sorry for such crummy posts, but they are hurried because I need to stay OFF-LINE waiting for the doctor who doesn’t call with any news.
[remember these are the dial-up days]


Still No News from the VA

We are just staying busy doing all the little things that seem to pile up, and trying to prepare the way in case we have to leave for any length of time.
My hip still hurts, but today I actually left the house for the first time.

Russel starts at another school tomorrow, up the mountain into Casterlin. He taught Aikido to kids there last year as well, so he’s glad to be going back.

I made a ‘My Favorite Movies’ page to keep my mind off things. It will be growing no doubt as I remember ones I left off.

I also put the little search script that is included in the original MT templates back in place, and figured out how to make it look better. I may add a more through search script later, but this should do for now.

I may just find an hour or 2 tomorrow that i can work up some photos for here, or if not that, start the process of figuring out which photo-blogging system i really want to use.



Stress is ruling my life at the moment. The kind of not-knowing what is gonna happen kind of stress. I mentioned here that we had to go to SF. That was so my husband could get a CT scan of his chest. We still (one week later) don’t know what the CT scan found. I am not going to go into any more detail until we know what is really going on.

The trip to SF alone was grueling enough. It was a sunny bright day for the 5 hours down, then a motel, and wouldn’t ya know it? the pay-per-view was down!! Then 5 hours back into the light rain. I did get some photos on the way home of the Golden Gate and the bay, but haven’t even had time to upload them yet. I didn’t have the camera with me when we were waiting at Fort Miley – VA hospital, too bad as there is a beautiful view of the bay and Marin Headlands from there. I am sure there will be a next time. 🙁

Then we spent all day Thursday (the 11th- my birthday) in Eureka. We didn’t catch a movie but i did little shopping. We met with friends and had a wonderful Sushi dinner at Tomo’s in Arcata.

Friday i took more photos of the Catching Cactus display at the Farmers Market, again it will be awhile before these photos are uploaded, sorry.

Saturday was a Virgo-potluck at Benbow State Park, a nice gathering of folks. I only knew a handful of people there, but it was a good distraction.

Sunday found us once again at Benbow, this time at the Inn for a brunch with Russel’s Mateel Aikido school. The Benbow Inn is the ritsy-titsy place in these parts, as far as the brunch was concerned, i was not impressed. Again, lots of pics, to be posted later.

I think it was fortunate that there was so much going on last week, it helped to take the mind off all the ‘what ifs’ that are cropping up. Saturday somehow??? i strained the left hip muscle that rides over the top of the hip (I know i should look it up but hey, it hurts to just sit here and type this!). I am still in much pain. Pain killers don’t seem to have much effect, and they give me incredible indigestion which is almost worse than the pain.

I attempted to get in the truck today to go out to the land, but it hurts to sit more than to stand. 🙁
Russel isn’t sleeping well, had ‘pressure like a chest cold’ in his chest and a light cough (that is getting worse as time goes on). His doctor called yesterday to just say that the ‘ct report’ hasn’t been uploaded to the site, and he doesn’t know when it will be. He did say we may need to go down again, this time to see a chest specialist, if the CT scan doesn’t diagnois something.

Any way, I may not be here as much as I would like, for many reasons. There are still so many MT tweaks I want to do. And I want to get either Gallery or Mt photoblog going so there is some where to put all these pictures i am taking.

I find that when i haven’t visited the MT forums in 12 hours that I have pages and pages of threads to wade through! It is so busy over there! I like to keep up, it helps me learn, but I just don’t have the time right now. Just keeping the Cockburn Project caught up is about all I can muster at the moment.


Tomorrow is My Birthday

Last year I turned 50. It was a liberating birthday, although a bit subdued because of the first anniversary of 911. I had had higher hopes for this one. I am not one who makes a big deal out of birthdays or holidays, but do like a small token of rememberence.

The week started off with a hurried trip to San Fransisco, for a medical test for my Russel. We don’t know anything yet, so stress is a bit high to say the least. And that pall over shadows everything right now. Until we know what we are dealing with i am not going to divulge any more details.

But today was a good day. Last night i took some Ativan (sleep aid my husband got last week from his doctor)… and lo and behold I SLEPT all night. I feel rested for the first time in months.
I walked with Helen, my 75 year old neighbor and close friend. Then I went out and finally bought a pair of boots to replace my 15 year HiTecs… I got black New Balance..pic coming.
Time will tell if they fit well with my funny feet.(NOT)

I decided to make southwestern sytle corn bread and a minnestroni stew for dinner. Not one of R’s favorites but i like it, and i was the one cooking. It turned out good.

Then a knock on the door.. and my neighbor Ian has brought over a blueberry/strawberry pie and whipped cream! yummmmm!! , from his mother Linda … And what a surprise! An early birthday remembering… warms the heart, ya know?

Tomorrow we go to Eureka for the day, hope to catch a good movie. Then we meet up with friends Charlie & Cristin for sushi dinner at Tomo’s in Arcata. That will be way fun. More about that tomorrow.

And last night a cyber-friend, Suzanne, called to wish us well. That was really special and made me feel loved. Thanks Suzanne.


Farmers Market

I took some pictures at Garberville’s Farmer’s Market… not ready to upload them just yet. Many are of some most wonderful cacti and succulents, from Catching Cactus & Succulents, that i have ever seen. They have a wonderful sense of display and style.
I will post pics sometime soon.

The reason i can’t post right now, is that i just found out we need to go to San Fransisco on Monday.. and may be gone several days. This is not fun trip and i have a ton of things to do before then. So the blog and the rest of my life will be on hold for awhile.

Some white light about now would be great.


Reggae on the River 2003

I spent a bit of time validating all my templates and tweaking the new background color. Was ready to upload some reggae pictures when I realized none were very good at ‘capturing’ what reggae was all about, so they will have to wait until i have my photoblog up.

[edited to add: Kim Sallaway Photo Archive ]

Reggae on the River-aerial 2003 - Photo by Kim Sallaway
Reggae on the River -Unity-Photo by Kim Sallaway

A few thoughts about this years reggae, considering I have only missed 3 out of the last 20, was that this years crowd was a lot of what appeared to be ‘college kids’ with lots of money, not into the hippie, tie-dye, rasta, dead-head apparel which is usually predominate there. They also smoked more tobacco at this years event than I have seen at Reggae in a very long time. They also didn’t seem to care if they were polluting someone else’s air space with it, with a few exceptions who left the ‘parachute area’ when asked.

The weather was very different, as generally speaking a 90 degree temp is considered cool, this year it was maybe 80 on Friday, cloudy with RAIN showers and cool on Saturday until finally on Sunday the sun appeared and the temps rose to high 80’s…. which is my preferred way of experiencing the event.

Notice i am not talking of the bands so much? Well Sunday’s lineup was great roots reggae, but Saturdays with a few exceptions, was some sort of hip-hop, rap stuff where the lyrics leave ya wondering if these people know any words besides F*** and M*****F***** and Suck My D*** and Slap My B****!!!

ome one said I am getting ‘old’ and my response was that even when I was young i wanted music to SAY something. I use the F word plenty, i am no prude, and often my language leaves something to be desired, so that is not the issue here. If you haven’t heard this type of ‘music’ you can’t begin to understand what i am talking about.

Any way, I saw people I haven’t seen in a year, some in 15 years, and met a new friend…. a local KMUD news-reporter. They were making a DVD of this years 20th Anniversary of Reggae..
it should be interesting to see just what they include on it.

Mateel Aikido, Russel’s Aikido school always puts up a booth to sell burritos at Reggae, as many of the non-profits do here, to raise money for the year.

Mateel Aikido's burrito booth Reggae on the River 2003
Russel Wisby with student Ruby at Reggae on the River 2003

Bruce Cockburn Mystic-2003 part2

Bruce Cockburn at the Mystic – Part 2

When I knew i would be going to the Mystic show, I asked Suzanne, as editor of the Cockburn Project, to contact Bernie Finkelstein, Bruce’s manager, and ask for a photography pass, so I could take pictures at the Mystic for the CockburnProject. He granted that pass, and I got it at will call, no problem, the night of the show. I had even called ahead to confirm all was well, as I did not want to be hassled by security the night of the gig.

So I bring my new Canon G3. Earlier in the afternoon we run into Steve Lucas, bass player touring with Bruce. We chatted a bit about his new cd, Gamma Jazz, a techno-jazz-fusion-jungle sound, coming out soon on www.cdbaby.com. He graciously stood still for a picture with Russel, my husband.

Steve Lucas and Russel Wisby 2003

I also was able to talk with Bruce just before sound check when he walked past our table at McNears resturant. I wrote a bit about this here and

Standing in line and in the theater waiting for the show to start, meeting lots of fans, and trading ‘how we became Bruce fans’ stories was really fun. (If the husband & wife team of doctors from Sonoma County read this, please contact us, we so enjoyed meeting and talking with you.) We grabbed seats, second row, left of center, for a great view of Bruce and guitar.

Then Bruce walks onstage to a standing ovation for just being there.
I start taking pictures, taking great care to make sure all the metering lights are off, the flash is off, i have the right (as best i can figure out) settings (TV- shutter priority 1/15). I took a few shots during the first song, Tried and Tested.
And was really enjoying the second song, Mighty Trucks Of Midnight, when someone was trying to grab my camera out of my hands!

I tried to show him my pass, but he was still putting his hands on my NEW CANON G3… i tried to explain, he would hear none of it, so we left the concert area, I told him Bernie had given me permission, but he didn’t know who Bernie was, and he said ‘they’ say absolutely no pictures, and i ask who they are and he says the band managers. So he took my id (bz cards for the Cockburn Project) and went in search of someone, came back and said, ok .. I said, “is that an apology?” he said yeah, but i don’t think he meant it. I asked if any one else would jump on me now for taking pictures and he said no.

But it really did throw me off center. Russel kept after me to shoot more pictures, and i did, but my heart wasn’t as into it by this time. I thought i had done every thing to make that NOT HAPPEN, but in looking back i guess i should of contacted someone else as well. Or Bernie should of contacted the guys handling the ‘band’ on the road. I don’t know, but it felt awful. And the questions about it during intermission didn’t help.

Then the unspeakable happened, just after intermission, the flash went off on a shot!! I could of vanished into the floor.. I don’t really know what happened, obviously something had become ‘unset’ on the camera, even though i check for no flash on each shot. But it did, and i put the camera away after that, as it was taking too much of my focus.

This is that shot, cropped & re-sized :

Bruce Cockburn 2003

Here is a link to the setlist of this show.

Another wonderful thing happened at this show. In my early days of getting into Bruce (early 80’s) I lived in Boulder, Colorado and then Marin County, California, where i met a kindred spirit, Bobby Parrs, and we became good friends and enjoyed our connection often thru Bruce.

Bruce Cockburn - Bobbi Wisby - Bobby Parrs - Zellerbach Berkley 1988

That’s me looking like I was caught at something *lol*, Bruce, and Bobby, after show at the Zellerbach in Berkley, 1988.

Well, after the concert and most of the theater had left, we made our way to the lobby and I turned and looked over my shoulder and there he was!! … we haven’t seen each other in about 14 years! , as he moved to Maui and I moved to Humboldt County. Reconnecting is great. We went backstage to say our thanks to Bruce and exchanged info.

Bobby and I reconnected again a few days later at Reggae on the River! More on that story in another post.

That’s about it for my stories of Bruce at the Mystic. Did i happen to mention the music? It was wonderful…high energy, intimate, and fun. Bruce and band enjoyed it as well as we did. This crowd loves this man.. and it shows… and he gives it all right back to us. If you ever have the opportunity to attend a show by Bruce, go for it, you won’t be sorry.

Here is a link to Bruce at the Mystic part 1.
