Tag Archives: gallery

Gallery Index

South America


Bolivian High Lands 1986

In June of 1986, when I was in my early 30’s, my Mom passed away after a long battle with cancer.
Shortly after that I received a bit of money and as I already had the travel bug, took it as a sign to go to South America.
I had friends in Argentina, so I landed there and spend some time in Buenos Aires then traveled north up to the Misiones district and to the Falls Iguassu, which border both Argentina and Brazil.


garden snow

First snow 18 December 2012

First snow of the winter season.


More Galleries will be coming here soon. I do have a few other photo galleries on one of my other websites, you can see them HERE.


First winter snow dusting

Please excuse my dust as I am still working on fine tuning the Photospace gallery script I am using here.

Busy Busy Busy ..

Very little time at the town house with my computer and often that time is very tired time. I am starting to miss my more tech-self, I am yearning to learn new software programs like maybe redo my CreationsDreams.net site in www.drupal.org? I need to redo this blog as well and am debating with myself just which way to go.

Many of my web-friends are using pmachinePro, now that it is free, many have also gone to EE, www.expressionengine.com, which is not free. WP, www.wordpress.org, is very popular, but some how I don’t think I will go that way. [many years later and I did!]
Gallery 2 is now out, I started using Gallery 1 on my little EyeSee gallery, but never took it where I wanted it to go. I think I may turn this blog in to more of a photo gallery with commentary, don’t really know yet. Feels like I want to redo all my sites though, just need to start the process.

It would be good to feel passionate about this web stuff again, after the last years lull and focus on homesteading and home development, there’s less heaving lifting with web development 🙂

I just uninstalled an old Norton AntiVirus from the old W98 machine. I installed AVG Anti-virus and right now I am downloading the large virus definitions file. Then when my newer XP machine comes to the land with me, we will still be able to use the W98 for internet here in town. We haven’t connected with that machine for close to 2 years cuz of no protection.

I have had right hand thumb problems ever since I wood filled the plywood sub floor before we painted. It’s as if the extendor ligament is stretched to the limit (at night laying down trying to sleep, and really bad in the morning), I have to use my other hand to get it moving and then it is a bit stiff all day and sort of ‘popping’ out of its track, or so it seems. I started going to a chiropractor, knowing full well that I needed a full adjustment as it has been years since the last one, So she did all that and most felt better, but the thumb thing isn’t getting better, and its my typing / mouse thumb … yikes!

So Monday I go see a PT who every one raves about, and hopefully he will be able to tell me if this is fixable, or arthritis starting (oh I hope not!) This has been the other reason I haven’t spent the time I should at the computer this summer.

Once the moving of machines start, I will probably be ‘offline’ for a while. I pray our phone lines at the land aren’t as slow as many folks say. Just doesn’t seem like we can take on satellite internet just yet. I have been looking for an alternative to DirecWay, found Wild Blue, but they have no installers locally at all, and price seems to be the same. So what surfing I do will even be slower than here in town on dial up (44kbps). Guess I will add to the list of wants, needs, desires!! (along with Tivo, a pda, home theater surround sound, ipod or other mp3 player, good stereo speakers ……).

Oh, and yes, the house isn’t even near ‘done’ and there is no landscaping, outbuildings need to be created, water system needs major work.. and on and on it goes.

For my birthday though, this year, we bought a cd player for my new (10 year old) 4 Runner… a very nice Alpine which plays mp3s and wma files, and is set up to receive ipod or satellite radio. So it can grow with me. I was really getting tired of listening to old cassettes, although I found some keepers that I want to burn to cd, just need to find a cassette player and get the cords so I can transfer to this machine and clean up and burn.

Painted ‘Teresa’s Tan’ subfloor:

painted sub floor

Many rounds of wood:


Some of the cords:


Faun, from the pregnant doe, Doey, who lives close by:


At the land

Back in town for the weekend. Mostly catching up on errands, housework, laundry, but giving myself ‘quality time on the computer as well *lol*’.

I did add a few photos to my gallery, EyeSee, there’s some of the dragonfly and a couple more of the Agave. I guess the layout and look of the gallery will have to wait until I have more time, but I have more photos I would like to get up and they won!

The week went well, no major problems with any of the systems. We are using a generator for power, and it is louder than I would like and so we don’t use it all day and all night. I made some progress in the house with shelving and finding homes for stuff. It’s funny in that, there are no cabinets as yet, creative storage is the key here.

I started pulling the dead stuff out of the garden.. we still are harvesting tomatoes. The weather has been great, high 80’s and with a breeze in the afternoon and cool (low 50s) nights. Clear as a bell too with a full moon coming on…moonlight streaming through the bedroom window.

I started the huge process of cleaning out and organizing the storage shed. The shed was the first thing built on this site. It’s been there for 10 years, and it holds 10 years of stuff that wouldn’t fit in town (remember 1 room town house), or flea market finds that I knew I would use one day…and I did find a few things to actually bring into the house. This project will take weeks I am sure.

Mainly it’s quiet there. There is stuff to do at every turn and look, so it is hard for me to relax. I was busier than I would of been in town, even with out my computer. I get one tv channel (nbc) which has mostly lousy early evening programing. I do have a vcr/dvd combo on order at the local radio shack, I need to check into that.

I miss my cat, Kaya.

Kaya my kitty

We’re not settled enough to bring her out there yet. Russel is spending time in both places, he is on the road a lot with teaching at the schools and bringing me ICE for the ice chests as we don’t have a refrigerator there yet either. Nor do I have a vehicle with me, Russel needs the truck for work and the ’71 VW bus would shake apart after just a couple of runs down the road, so those things are high on my list when work picks up this year.


And you run .. Time

….and you run to catch up with the sun buts it’s sinking….
Remember that Pink Floyd song? Time. Oh so true it is.

Any way, I have my gallery almost ready from prime time. I need to upload more shots and make the galleries, and I don’t know when I will have the TIME to do that.

A few posts back (here) I was talking about one of my favorite hang outs that was crumbling away [that was CyberCrew]… well it’s impossible to keep a good forum down, so what has happened is a new great forum has had the opportunity to Rise Up! Check out the Digital Asylum. [this one is gone now too] I am very happy about this, I had missed the old ‘other to be nameless’ forum and this one is much better.

We are working at lot out at the house, lots of movement this year. Got 3 scrappy old oaks down that helps with the light and firewood, I am painting the kitchen area of the house now. A light yellow/green on the lid, a pale green on one wall and a bright yellow on the other, with an accent wall I hope to be deep hibscus red, we’ll see if I can find the paint.

Going to Eureka all day tomorrow, mostly for errands, maybe we will see a movie. We have to put a new engine in the truck, this is gonna make us really tighten our belts so to speak for awhile.

Ok, for those who managed to read through most of that drivel,
here’s a treat, Agave.

I am waiting for it to be in full flower, wasn’t there yet today.
The site this gallery is sitting in needs a major overhaul, and that is next on my tech list of things I want to do for myself.

Time (Mason, Waters, Wright, Gilmour) 7:06

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.

Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.

So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it’s sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you’re older,
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.

Every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time.
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over,
Thought I’d something more to say.

~ from http://www.allfloyd.com/lyrics/DSOTM.html


Up to my Eye balls in Gallery!

I finally installed Gallery.
Of course right from the start there were issues, I was using my Fantastico to install on my CPanel which my hosts had set up, it was throwing errors and rather than ask my wonderful Hosting Matters hosts, I asked at the Gallery forums, and of course they said to download latest version and upload.

Well the upload took over 2 hours! And I didn’t include all the skins.
I should of asked HM, they would of saved me time, any way, it’s up and running and I have sooo many questions that just don’t seem to be asked or answered at the forums.

I will post them tomorrow and see where to go from here. I know I will customize it’s looks, but I really don’t think that will be a problem. It’s more questions like,
“Can I run the reconfiguration wizard as many times as I need?”

“Can I use one install of Gallery in my root space for add-on-domains which are in the same web space?”

and on and on…
Like I said..up to my eyeballs…

Also need an outline of a good work flow for the photos, do all the sizing myself? Let Gallery do it? Fastest way to upload, remember 56k running at 44k here.

[I never got very far with that Gallery install.. just started it and moved on. It is here. I plan on a whole new Gallery – WP – photos development, once this site is live again ~bobbi / 22march2010.]
