Yesterday we spent the day in Eureka, it is 60 miles north of here, the largest town around. It’s where the mall is, costco and most shopping is done.
I don’t usually enjoy being there, it’s on the coast, generally it is cold and foggy, and smelly, with pulp mill toxic spewing and low tide.
Any way yesterday was different. It was sunny and warm with a cool light breeze, and the air was actually breathable till late in the day. I took a few shots, the chance of us being there again on such a nice day is not likely.

It’s hot here again..100 today and yesterday.
The ‘bikers – Harley Run’ have taken over town with their loud rumblings. Tomorrow at least we will spend the day at the house in the hills, lots of work to do there, at least until the heat hits.
Do you ever feel as if there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do what needs to be done, not even mentioning, doing things you may just want to do.