I’m back !!
Well, I’ve been back since the 29th when we flew into Sacramento and we were greeted with 50+ mile/an hour winds and rain blowing sideways and coldness. We decided to spend the night in Woodland and drove the next day, talking route 16 to 20 around Clear Lake. Wish i would of gotten some pics of that, but I was already coming down with a bad cold which is still with me today.
The Michigan trip was good, but too short for the amount of energy it took to get there and back, next time we will stay longer. Russel felt good for a few days and that was really a blessing. We had a white Christmas, which for me was quite unusual, I haven’t seen one of those in too many years to count.
The snow was just starting here:

This is my Dad, brother and me and my nieces:

It was odd, I usually was in the pictures, not taking them, so I had to spend some time in Photoshop to help them. I am thinking of using Ofoto for prints for the family to go to and get. I may get to Costco or somewhere else up north tomorrow that will take my cf card and i can get some 5x7s.
Oh, btw….. HAPPY NEW YEAR !!