Flame On!

We are having a beautiful fall, for the north coast. We don’t get the great color changes that many areas of the world get, so we have to make do with the bit that comes our way.

A ‘fancy’ type of maple I think. I really like the shape, unfortunately a branch is missing from this tree, I drive by it on the way into town hope to buy one for our place soon.

maple red fall flame

Here’s some Orange sherbert clouds and sunset. I have a very narrow window through the trees to take sunset pictures.

Orange sunset

I also uploaded a couple more Agave pics over at the gallery, EyeSee.

These will be the last in the series, as the owner is going to cut the stalks down before they come down and do damage to someone or something. They will be missed. Even before the flowering started, the rosettes always caught my eye. He did tell me that I can dig as many baby plants up as I want, I just haven’t done that yet.

Kaya is finally accumulating to the new homestead. She is going out at night a lot, as it is better for her to hunt the little critters. She is still a bit timid about the space as it is far larger and wild than town life was. She did grow up as a baby in the hills for four years, so I hope some of the savvy comes back to her.
