I wrote an article for the Cockburn Project with lots of pictures. The setlist page is up with a few more pictures from the Mateel show.
These photos (below) were all taken by a local photographer, Kim Sallaway. Check out his website … www.KimbaCan.com.
And remember… all these photos are copyrighted…if you want to use them PLEASE ASK!
Mark Blanchard said: on tuesday – 23 march 2004 – 05:31 am
Hi Bobbi, Loved your report on the Bruce Cockburn site, so I followed the link to yours. I’m missing Bruce on this tour, due to prior arrangements, so I’ve been living it through people like you and their reports of the tour. Your pictures are GREAT! And your cooments remind me of the way Bruce makes me feel when I see him live. “Melting in your seat”. Can’t wait to see more pictures. Peace. Mark (North Carolina)