Back in town for the weekend. Mostly catching up on errands, housework, laundry, but giving myself ‘quality time on the computer as well *lol*’.
I did add a few photos to my gallery, EyeSee, there’s some of the dragonfly and a couple more of the Agave. I guess the layout and look of the gallery will have to wait until I have more time, but I have more photos I would like to get up and they won!
The week went well, no major problems with any of the systems. We are using a generator for power, and it is louder than I would like and so we don’t use it all day and all night. I made some progress in the house with shelving and finding homes for stuff. It’s funny in that, there are no cabinets as yet, creative storage is the key here.
I started pulling the dead stuff out of the garden.. we still are harvesting tomatoes. The weather has been great, high 80’s and with a breeze in the afternoon and cool (low 50s) nights. Clear as a bell too with a full moon coming on…moonlight streaming through the bedroom window.
I started the huge process of cleaning out and organizing the storage shed. The shed was the first thing built on this site. It’s been there for 10 years, and it holds 10 years of stuff that wouldn’t fit in town (remember 1 room town house), or flea market finds that I knew I would use one day…and I did find a few things to actually bring into the house. This project will take weeks I am sure.
Mainly it’s quiet there. There is stuff to do at every turn and look, so it is hard for me to relax. I was busier than I would of been in town, even with out my computer. I get one tv channel (nbc) which has mostly lousy early evening programing. I do have a vcr/dvd combo on order at the local radio shack, I need to check into that.
I miss my cat, Kaya.
We’re not settled enough to bring her out there yet. Russel is spending time in both places, he is on the road a lot with teaching at the schools and bringing me ICE for the ice chests as we don’t have a refrigerator there yet either. Nor do I have a vehicle with me, Russel needs the truck for work and the ’71 VW bus would shake apart after just a couple of runs down the road, so those things are high on my list when work picks up this year.