What A Year It’s Been

I am glad this year is almost over. It has been hard, in so many ways. With Dad’s illness progressing to death on May 14, and trying to come to terms with that. And then Kaya dying so suddenly it still breaks my heart.

So I am hoping for a new year filled with some fun stuff – not sure just what that will be but starting to plan now!

And I need to port this blog over to WordPress, or at least update the Movable Type version it is running so that I can have comments back. Work has been steady, but frustrating. I have been studying a lot of WP docs and plugins and themes, oh my!

But really if you want to keep in touch, or up with what is going on with me, email is good:

me at onmybeat net will still work

Or come on over to Facebook!

Blessings for a wonderful healthy New Year!
