I have been in Michigan since April 26th now.
Dad’s fall on Easter eve (April 11) that landed him in the hospital with broken bones in his neck was the real start of the decline, being confined to a bed.
He was able to talk to me and the dozens of family and friends who have been visiting here. He even got all his brothers and sisters together last Saturday and declared that the day was “a great day”.
But that took a lot of energy and it’s been down hill since then.
Now he is in his last days. No eating, drinking barely a couple of ounces of water. Started morphine on Monday 4th.
I will be staying here now until he passes and the memorial is over.
Don’t really know how long a time that will be.
And I need to get Russel here, but he doesn’t have weeks he can spend just waiting here.
So Waiting is… and i am learning that lesson yet again.
Here’s a photo of Dad, Sue and her new puppy. Dad finally relented and let her have a dog.

There is so much going on that I am not writing here, maybe one day I will put more of it on paper.