We painted all day yesterday. Russel’s been working on the shed for a few days now. Finally it’s done. You can’t tell it from this picture, but it was a green color in bad need of paint and no trim color at all… now it is yellow with a raspberry color trim..i will have pictures next week and post the before and after here.
I started working inside the house on the water heater closet.. a tight enclosed space with no ventilation and no light. And because I have bought several quarts of paint to test the color for the walls, i had several we were never gonna use anywhere we had to look at them .. *lol* So the closet is at least three of these colors, a pale aqua (too blue for me), a supposed to be medium mauve (that was way too pink), and a color called Olympian Fields, that we may just use on the lid in the living room if we can tone it down one notch. hummm ..photos would help and i will take my camera out the next time and get this shot as well.
The garden is giving us more zucchini (one plant) and yellow squash (one plant) than we can eat. The tomatos, mostly Early Girl’s, are doing well. Friends gave us an unknown yellow tomato plant that just produced it’s first ripe fruit… the next one will get a pic as they are very unusual looking, but quite tasty in a non-acid way.
The eggplant parmesan I made a couple days ago was superb. My neighbor brought over fresh baked apple pie as a surprise dessert. We did eat well that day.
Well gotta go defrost, yes you heard right, the freezer. It’s the small Hotpoint refrigerator in the town house, the freezer builds ice up outside the box! So defrost actually means a total cleaning out, that isn’t that bad really, in that at least this way it gets done several times a year!!