Haven’t been in town much, hence no updates to this blog. Until the power system at the land house…now my home .. happens, I won’t be here very much. And we hope for that in this coming year, sooner I hope.
We had lots of hail and weather this week and more coming, snow at our house that’s only at 1320 feet! We also had a small roof leak due to sloppy work by our builder, good thing I haven’t seen him today or I would really get on his case. We were out in that said weather wind storm hail rain, Russel on a 16′ ladder, un-damming a valley that filled with debris due to a flange for a vent cutting into the valley..it backed up and leaked.
Funny thing too, I was putting away towels in bathroom and looked up at the bare light bulb and it was dripping with water! Not good.
But it is fixed. And we couldn’t of done it without the mighty ‘Tim Allen of HomeImprovement’ flashlight…10 million candle power…me holding the light on the roof valley so Russel could see to work…quite the sight really.
Any way.. just a hit and run here at the little town house rental that was home to us for 14 years …it is fading into a place only to come to when we have too. Although all of our stuff is still here, nothing really got moved to the land yet. But it is no longer filled with the cozy life force we had. Time will tell if we will be able to afford to keep it for an office after we do move out of it .. and that won’t be at least until spring or summer.
To any one who comes here, wishing you peace, health, and prosperity in the coming year.