Even with the limited amount of time I have here, I did manage to update the Cockburn Project last week. Bruce is on a solo tour promoting his latest cd, Speechless which is an instrumental.
I missed the one show I could have maybe gotten too, last weekend in San Fransisco. It’s just so damn far down there and Russel had no time and ….. well any way I am truly bummed as the reports from both the Humans list and BC-Live have been wonderful.
I hope he comes this way again in the summer, like maybe he will do the Kate Wolf Festival this year??
What else is new? Not much. Same old same old. I am starting to take things from the town/office house to the land on each trip.. small steps. My computer is acting a bit ‘different’ lately and so I hope to take the CPU into the guys who built it for a tune-up before I haul it all out to the house. So that won’t happen for a month of so any way.
Russel finally installed a real gate (we had had a very heavy chain gate) on the bottom of the driveway. This will be so much easier coming and going now, not having to deal with heavy, wet, muddy, rusty chain… yipee!!
Still having pressure pump/switch/bladder tank problems. Now R thinks that we need to replace the bladder tank as it isn’t working as it should. We’ll see.
We are getting a bit of rain, not nearly as much as we should this time of year, and it is also warmer than usual. I sure hope the rains come here.
And at least, for those in California who may read this… Arnold was defeated!!!