
Fall is always a busy time of year for us. This one is no different. I am pleased to have web work lining up! Russel is feeling a bit better, and is at least back to work teaching Aikido to kids at the schools.

On the blogging front, yet another of my favorite reads (Between the Lines) has quit the blogging world. I wish her well in all she does, but will really miss her. I hope she keeps her Slices of Life photolog up, as it too inspires me. I haven’t taken any photos lately, no time.[these were Gaile’s blogs – you can now find her here.

The changing in the weather brings about a certain feeling of ‘hurry up’ & ‘get it done’ attitude. The air has cleared of the smoke from the fires and we are waiting for rain. Heard that our area of the northwest will have a lighter rain season and warmer winter than normal..not really good news.

I am hoping ‘they’ are wrong, and we get a lot of rain. Makes for great ‘working at the computer’ & ‘learning new things’ time. I need it.
