It would seem that the summer has been filled with concerts, not so really, they were just the high points to get me through the heat, work, and unsettled-ness of the move from town and all the projects we took on this summer that are not yet finished.
Check off the list: DirecTV with 2 DVR’s :), WildBlue Satellite Internet from The internet connection we have is the slowest one offered for now.. I noticed a better download speed, but the upload is pitiful especially with ftp… even though it should be way faster than dial up it isn’t, so I will need to look into that.
The washer and dryer are waiting for the 8’x9′ foot porch to get enclosed. This wasn’t really my plan on getting machines here. I wanted to just throw a tarp over them in the winter and be done with it. But enclosing the porch was what came of that idea. I am ok with it, I think I will actually like it, but it got added to an already long list of stuff to do with little time and money .. so it isn’t yet done and I still haul laundry to town. Hopefully before the rains come it will get done.
We had to order a stove/oven. Non of those fancy beautiful ranges for us 🙁 They all use so much electricity, with their glow bars and all. We had to order one with little electric use, that we can light either with an electric start button OR with a match-clicker. It should be here in the next few weeks and then I will need to move stuff around in the kitchen area… remember we have no cabinets yet so it won’t be such a big deal..I hope. But it will be good to have a range, I have been cooking on a Primus 2 burner propane camp stove for a long time now.
We finally made it to the river one day just before the long heat wave hit.

A whole day just swimming and hanging on the river, this was in July, but it helped recharge my soul.
Now I am getting ready for yet another surgery, bunion this time …oh joy.. and soon school/ work for Russel starts up and rains and .. and.. there is never a good time to do this kind of thing.