My friend just died.
We were tight in the 80’s in Fairfax.

Mahanaim (Naim) Satya - 1987
We worked together at The Good Earth Natural Food Store when it was on Bolinas Road.
We ate together at Wildwood Cafe.
We watched Purple Rain a dozen times!
He ‘turned me on’ to some fun dance disco music (Pointer Sisters) when dancing was my passion..and World Beat bands ruled Marin (think Freaky Executives, Big City, Looters). Although he never danced with me.
He taped the whole Bob Marley collection for me.
He was a complicated man, spiritual, musician, and chef.
He knew me in ways no one else ever has, he had that knack to get at the core quickly.
We lost touch when I moved to Humboldt in 1990, I only saw him once since then probably in ’92?
We reconnected last year on Facebook.
He emailed me last month and said he had a stroke but was healed miraculously.
He died yesterday, December 14, 2010.
Of course I am sad. Crying actually.
One of the things death brings up for me is not only do we miss the ones who left, they took with them the memories and knowledge of who we were to them (a part of who we are).
No one else has those memories of me now, ‘cept for myself of course. So it does feel like a piece of me died too.
Mahanaim Satya (Kenneth Jenkins)
23 June 1945 – 14 December 2010

Those last two paragraphs hit my heart. Sometimes truth does that.
Beautifully said. May your heart ease though your loss won’t ever be filled.
thanks Kym <3
I got to know Naim during the past couple of years at a weekly Saturday morning spiritual and community gathering that meant a great deal to both of us. We had talked for months about also getting together during the week since we shared musical tastes, though he was waaaaay ahead of me in that regard, natch, and we lived fairly near each other. But we never got around to it. I heard the news last Tuesday when someone else from that Saturday meeting called me. But no one seemed to know what or how. I had seen him last Saturday, someone else had dinner with him Sunday night. No one I know knew of his recent stroke. I found your blog only by searching the web for mention of Naim since I heard the news. I’m grateful I did. It’s good to discover more about this amazing being and the rich river of life he navigated on. I join the many who miss him even as we know that, paradoxically, he’s always with us.
Corey, I am sure you know about the Facebook pages for Naim?
And yes, Naim was on a different path now than when we knew each other.
But always the big love and full heart is what will be remember. Thank you for posting. If you hear of the actual physical reason for his passing, please email me.
It really touched me when I came across your blog the day after Naim died. He meant an awful lot to me — it seems that this is true of almost everyone he came close to.
I have managed to get a PDF copy of the very beautiful piece that was made for the memorial. I requested it because I wanted to send you a copy.
I was not able to find an email address on your blog — so you would drop me a line at the above address so I can share this with you.
Thanks, David.
Sorry David, I just forgot to respond to this.
You can send pdf to
bobbiwisby at gmail com
Thank you
I found your blog post while looking for an old link. Naim Kenneth is\was my big brother.
I shared a link to your post with my family. Your writing captures him so well, and… … i love that picture! I put together a collage of pictures of Naim to share at his memorial, the picture you have here was my favorite.
My friends and I would ever so often ride our bikes from SF to through Marin. I always convinced them to ride just a little further through Ross to Fairfax to go by the store to see my brother. He was so happy there. So thank you again for sharing your piece of Naim, I trust you feel him inside of your telling of your story, and in some way know that he feels it as wel
Thank you for your thoughts..
Naim was a special being.. and a chameleon changing his colors a lot! LOL.
If you want a higher resolution (scan) copy to the above picture, and I have a few others I never posted, I would be glad to send them to you.
Just comment back here, or send me an email to
bobbiwisby at gmail com