End of Summer Colds

Russel started working back at the schools on last week, by Wednesday (Sept 13) he came home with fever and chills which launched into a full on sinus & head cold.

I managed to keep feeling good until Sunday, the 18th, when a cough started and by Monday I was full on into a head cold as well.. and still today. All the usual aliments, stuffy nose, running like a faucet, sinus head ache, coughing, sneezing and feeling miserable.

This is just a bit much to take on heels of just getting over by 70 day bout with coughing. We also had a brief weather change in there a few days of gray cloudy weather and rain on Monday.

Today if was foggy all morning and now the sun has appeared, seems we are in the middle of Indian Summer .. with the full Harvest Moon just yesterday along with the Fall Equinox… changes coming. I just wish I felt better as there is soooo much to do.

OH and by the way Facebook is down today! My connection to the world, at least I can keep talking here, but really don’t know how many of my friends actually check this site out?? So if you do come by, please drop me a note, ok?


3 thoughts on “End of Summer Colds

  1. Darlene

    Hey yeah – I frequently check you out here to make sure you are alive and well (I have an aversion to facebook, and to computers in general I guess), but want you to know I thought good thoughts all day on your birthday and LOVE those shoes! and understand their importance. I believe we all need “grounded” well. Love – dvz.

    1. admin Post author

      Love that you come here dvz! Sometime when I am writing the blog posts I have you in mind! Not much really going on just more of the same, coughing work end of summer gardening chores and all that. I am going to call you soon.. wish I knew your schedule.. don’t want to wake you xxx 🙂


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